Applied Geospatial Research Group

Shannon Blackadder, MSc Student
BSc (University of Calgary)
Shannon likes GIS, remote sensing, and dogs, not necessarily in that order. She is also highly organized and can juggle 20x the number of tasks than the average person. Her research interests include broad-scale habitat modelling for endangered species using remotely-sensed data. She also has her own dog gear business (North Range Dogs), occasionally works as a puppy wrangler and dog trainer, and in her spare time works with her own two pups Cricket and Ranger.

Gus Lopes, MSc Student
BSc Geology (Federal University of Paraná)
Gus is a geologist and a masters student in geography who specializes in GIS and geospatial programming. His current research focuses on the development of an automated remotely sensed technique for coarse woody debris detection and measurement in seismic lines of Alberta’s boreal forest. He is interested in image, vector and point cloud data processing, and process automation. Gus likes board games, sci-fi movies, inline skating, skiing, and eating ice cream.

Jennifer Hird, Remote Sensing Scientist
MSc, BSc (University of Calgary)
Jen is a geographer and remote sensing scientist, who has worked in the Department of Geography, University of Calgary, and for the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI), since 2008. Her research interests focus on the use of diverse geospatial tools for a variety of ecological and environmental applications. These have included: the remote sensing of vegetation phenology, land cover and landscape dynamics mapping and monitoring, and the exploitation of cloud-computing resources and open-access satellite data sets in support of large-area land surface information product development (most recently, wetland mapping and forest spectral regeneration in harvested areas). When not in the pursuit of science, Jen enjoys the outdoors, dabbling in anything even remotely creative or artistic, and convincing her children to eat their vegetables.